OHINIYA Shees Simply The Best

Pedigree Niya / Showresults

NiyaNickname: Niya
Born: 04 October 2021

Dam: NL CH OHINIYA Shees Every Little Legend
Sire: Akono Nayoma Lajaani Spencer

NHSB: 3252420
Colour: wheaten 
Height: 66cm
Weight: 39kg
Siccor bite: complete 
HD-A / OCD, LPA, LPC, Inc: Free
DM: N/N free
JME: N/N free
IVA: N/N free
Blue Dilute: D/D no carrier
Hemophilia B: N/N normal
EOAD (deafness/hearing loss): N/N free

Co-Owner: Mrs. A. Rombouts


Our Niya is born at 4th October, animals day, out of a litter of 8 puppies. This litter was so beautiful that it was hard to choose, but she was there and captured our hearts instantly. She has an unconditional spontanious character, always in the mood to play, open minded and so easy going with everyone. But she has a real mind of her own, I say she is a true Rhodesian Ridgeback, the character a Ridgeback should have. Not shy, but aloove to strangers, not scared but with confident and arrogant, she can look at you as a pharao queen, also honoust and stubborn. She just know how to play you.

With her well balanced body, her strong bone structure and her very interesting bloodline, which go back to her English, African and Australian roots, as Gunthwaite and Burncote, Walamadengie, Umkimzulu, Elangeni and more, she is a real addition to our kennel. She reminds me so much of her great grandmother Burncote Shirami. Our beloved Shira, who came from the Gunthwaite and Burncote Kennel in Great Britain. We really hope to maintain our kennel with this so sweet and stubborn girl.

Future will tell us what she brings, untill than enjoy life and live to the max sweettie.

Niya is loved and lives with her nephew Kumba by our friends.


Niya  Niya  Niya

Niya  Niya  Niya

Niya mrt 2023  Niya okt 2022 c  Niya okt 2022 d

Niya mei 2023  Niya mei 2023